Jun 132015

Its Saturday again, that means some new features!

All new donor tags: If you are a donor you should be used to using /rankon /rankoff to toggle you donor being visible, well we figured out a way for you to have both! /tags the new command that opens a gui with your donor tag! It gives you a suffix on your name rather than replacing your prefix/rank. What are you waiting for donors? Get in game! Try it!

Rankup Holograms and full inventory holograms: Now whenever you rankup you will see a hologram in front of you for about 5 seconds saying that you rank’ed up to that rank! Also when your inventory is full, A hologram will appear saying your inventory is full!

Coming  Soon: Multiple Prestiges! Soon enough you will be able to prestige 10 or more times! The price will double each time you prestige. I will say no more, more details to come :)



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