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Mar 092015

After our recent crash and obstacles, Minigames is back, better than ever!
Simply put, there were too many bugs. So, we had a complete revamp, built the server back up from scratch. And now, we’re ready.
So get on, and join now!

Here’s whats new:
– TOKEN SYSTEM – each game has economy support and you can buy perks, items, and more!
– NEW SPAWN – we have an incredible new spawn, built by our new admin Beijimon, that features seperate lobbies, portals, amazing parkour, and more!
– WEEKLY GAMES – a new game will be released about every week (currently, we’ve started with KitPvP: a new balanced tier system, allowing players to buy stronger versions of the same kit, and more!)


Coming soon:
– A BRAND NEW SURVIVAL GAMES (featuring a shop, spectating, new arenas, and more!)

 Posted by at 1:14 am
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